Lake Taupo

Lake Taupo

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Street Chant - "Pedestrian Support League"

"Pedestrian Support League" is all about the mundane and the dull times in a crappy old flat. Times of depression and paranoia are scattered throughout the song "you’re stealing my soap, and don’t think that I don’t know” being just one example. But the song itself is so far away from the dull theme - it's a case of perfect jangly indie-pop... a little ironic, much like the delivery from Emily Edrosa. It comes from Street Chant's second album 'Hauora', and like many other sophomore albums, this one must've been difficult as well. For a start, it came six years after their debut 'Means' and some of the difficulties have been stated by the band over the last couple of years before the actual release. But now we have an album we can enjoy and they have something they should be proud of.

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